Archives for the month of: February, 2012

I have been thinking recently about b/w film photography vs. digital photography and that for me they are completely different media, producing very different outcomes.

Photography allows me to be completely immersive in my response which ever format I am working in. I do find that for me film photography is  more instinctive and less predictable than digital.

However it’s great to have different applications for different projects.

This week I am sending some zines down to London for the Tooting Zine Fair taking place at the Construction Gallery .

Just completed a short 8 page b/w  zine on Leigh Bowery for a mail art project.

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Bowery’s work resonates for me as through out the 1990’s I was heavily involved in London’s club funk and jazz scenes and undertook several projects for club nights at venues like Shuffles, the Circa and showed work at Madam Jojos.

I have been laid up with a bug for the past 2 weeks so treated myself watching some DVDs:

And  a fantastic free online documentary about performance artist and fashion designer  Leigh Bowery. Well worth watching *some might find that his work disturbing*.  This was the work that resonated most and I wonder if it is because Leigh sadly died before his work became a commodity.

Finally a last link for Life Remote Control by MBW/T. Guetta featured in Exit Through The Gift Shop.